B.C. is rising to the challenge of climate change

CleanBC is government’s plan to lower climate-changing emissions by 40% by 2030. We are already making progress but the scale of the climate emergency we are living through demands that we act with urgency. No one person, Indigenous community, or government can turn things around on their own. It will take all of us doing our part to overcome this historic challenge.

Actions our government is taking

We’re making progress toward reducing emissions. We’re also working hard to prepare for the future.

Rebates and incentives

CleanBC programs can help you reduce your emissions and your impact on the climate.

Stay cool this summer

Working in partnership with Indigenous Peoples

Learn more about climate change in B.C.

A wooden walkway leads past dry, desert-like hills covered in burned trees location Myra Canyon.

About climate change

Learn what climate change is, how it happens, and how it’s showing up in B.C.

The six lanes of the Ironworker's Memorial bridge in Vancouver are full of internal combustion vehicles heading to and from the North Shore.

Drivers of climate change

Learn what humans are doing to cause climate change.

The centre-line of a road leads into a flooded street. In the distance, there's a pickup truck submerged up to its windows.

Impacts of climate change

From gradual shifts to climate emergencies, learn how climate change affects B.C.